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Thursday Knit-Night In Person
to Apr 28

Thursday Knit-Night In Person

  • Hummingbird Studios (just down the street from Sister-Arts!) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Have you missed our in-person Knit Nights? We’ve certainly missed you. Join us for our new monthly Thursday Evening Knit-Night Celebrations!

One Thursday per month we will host an in-person Knit-Night Celebration at Hummingbird Studios, located just down the block at 737 W. Wrightwood Ave. This larger venue will give us plenty of room to spread out, and is equipped with advanced HEPA filters and a "GermGuardian Air Purifier."

Knit Night Celebrations at Hummingbird Studios
are $15.00 per attendee. Tickets must be purchased in advance. We require attendees to be vaccinated and the space has a maximum capacity of 25 people. Attendees will receive a 10% discount to shop at Sister-Arts Studio the evening of the event. Feel free to bring a beverage or snack to share. Paper goods and hand sanitizer will be provided.

Purchase your ticket today, bring your knitting or crochet project, and join us for a good old knit-night celebration. We miss you and look forward to seeing you in person!

*COVID Compliance: All Sister-Arts Studio staff members are fully vaccinated. In an effort to keep everyone safe, we require that attendees must be fully vaccinated and provide verification of vaccination dates. Masks are required during this event (unless eating or drinking) and hand sanitizer will be provided upon entry and at each table. If you have a fever or are not feeling well please notify us and do not attend. Sorry but refunds are not possible for this event.

In-Person Knit-Night Dates:
December 16 - SASI Annual Holiday Party
January 27 - T. G. I. 2022 Theme
February 17 - Valentines & “Pal”-entines Theme
March 24
April 28

Purchase tickets at this link.

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June Crochet-A-Long with Maria
to Jun 24

June Crochet-A-Long with Maria

Join Maria and SASI Sisters for a weekly Thursday Evening
Knit-Along from 7:00 - 8:00 pm.

Summer has arrived and we'll soon be working through the Soft Lino Shawl together! Purchase a SASI Soft Lino Kit on our website or in the shop then register for our KAL. Email Donna at and you will receive a zoom invite from Maria our expert crochet instructor..

With your new project and favorite beverage in hand, join us on Zoom and share your progress while we enjoy each others' company!
Can’t make it? You can register for the Soft Lino Class on July 6!

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